Sunday, October 02, 2005

It's 11:22 pm. I'm tired, however I have something to say so this is going to be short and to the point.

1) I am a big Huskers fan. I have been for as long as I can remember. Every time there is a game, the televisions and radios have all been tuned in to listen to the Husker victory for as long as I can remember. However the past couple of years were more like listening FOR a victory.

2) My grandma is a Mizzou fan. Has been for as long as I've known her.

3) Mizzou and the Huskers have a fairly large rivalry. Therefore, my grandma and I have a large rivalry. One year when the Huskers won the orange bowl, I gave her a silver bowl of oranges for Christmas. Another year she wrote me the following note: "You know what will make Big Red go is that Tiger Roaring on its backside!" (I still have the note under the glass on my desk)

4) Yesterday, the Huskers played a wonderful game against Iowa State. ISU played great as well! Two evenly matched teams. I honestly did not know prior to the game what the outcome would be. In a double overtime, the Huskers were victorious, Taylor (the QB) had broken a school record for number of passing yards in one game, and the number one defense in the nation added 6 sacks to the 20 from the first three games of the season. Mizzou however lost to Texas 51-20. I didn't watch the game so I will make no further comment.

5) Today I received the following e-mail from my grandma:
Nebraska looked good yesterday.
Missouri did not look good.
Hope the Chiefs can do well today. I always put my Chiefs flag out on game day and some time I have to sneak out in the dark to bring it in so no one will see me -- you know how cruel neighbors can be.

(That last line is a joke for those of you who don't know my grandma. she actually loves her neighbors.) This is quite the monumental day. My grandma ADMITTED that the Huskers looked good! Woo-hoo! I will cherish this forever!


Anonymous said...

I did not know you were such a football fan. And unfortunately for your grandmother, adding to her Mizzou misery, the Chiefs, once leading the game 17-0, allowed the Eagles to score 31 unswered points and lost the game 37-31. Ouch! My Dad is a Texas fan so he was very happy with Saturday's outcome.

Amanda said...

well Neil, I guess we all have some skeletons in our closets...

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