Monday, October 01, 2007

hollywood portrait of a small town

In a previous blog entry, I believe I mentioned the fact that I feel as though I'm always blogging in my head...their's a narrator that lives up there...and I can hear her speaking as I go throughout life. I just fail to share this with the general public (which is probably OK). I've been dying to get this blog out, but have been waiting for the roll in my camera to be developed because it is much better with visual aids. But first, let me put on my hat...the one that takes me back into the small town frame of mind...
okay that's much better...
now for the REAL blog entry...

When Hollywood wants to portray a small town, what do they usually show you? They open with THE stoplight ticking...dust blowing across the deserted street. The motel that only has six rooms. Pick-up trucks and cowboy music....a least one ruggedly hot man with an accent. Being an expert in growing up in small towns, I can vouch that many of these are true (I should specify that my experience is just in rural Midwest). Granted our small town tried to keep buildings up, the cowboy boots were least on my feet..and I'm not sure that there were ever an ruggedly hot men...although there were plenty of daydreams about them. The one thing that Hollywood uses to lure your mind to the small town setting that I never thought I'd see, I saw on my last trip home.
Imagine my surprise....
sign hanging by one chain,
squeakily swinging in the wind...

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