so the story continues.....slowly.
although this is the anniversary of the beginning of our story, nothing significant happened on this day. in light of this, i thought it would be appropriate to share the back story as it makes the whole thing even better. therefore, i give you...
the prequel, in two parts
the part that involves steve
nearly three years ago, i started attending a new church. i met a friendly guy there named matt who helped me to connect to a bigger network of people my age. one evening matt had invited me over to his house for a birthday party for some guy i had never met (yes, it's steve). when i arrived there, matt informed that the plan had changed and that we were going bowling instead. that night is somewhat foggy, but i do remember it being somewhat strange. i had crashed a stranger's birthday party. i also remember not being particularly fond of the birthday boy nor his best friend. and as i sometimes have a tendency to do, i stuck with my first impression, basically avoiding interactions with steve and his bff when i could.
the part that doesn't involve steve
i had spent the summer in california. as i prepared to return home, i couldn't shake the nagging feeling that there was something big coming my way. before i left california one of my friends told me that she felt like God had something fruit just ahead for me. i ended up getting a full time job that i was really excited about and was surprised when the feeling didn't go away. i had put my online dating adventures on hold for the summer and decided to start back up again a couple of months after my return. as usual, i had a few one time dates that turned into nothing typically followed by a small crush on some random boy at church. when november began, i was in deep in conversation with an online boy. conversation turned into good date. good date turned into great second date. great second date turned into big disaster. i laid in bed after big disaster, crying, and literally talking out loud to God. why can't i just meet someone from the same church, with the same core beliefs. that just wants to love on children who may not even be our own. who will love me exactly as i am, but never let me live in complacency. i think i'm done. i'm just done.
i was not only done looking for the various desired characteristics in a man. i was done looking for the sheer basics. and really, i was just done looking.
and then one week later...
Nice story, Amanda. Bring on part II!
Edge of my seat here, Manda. When's the rest coming?
Don't leave us hanging :)
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