Monday, March 28, 2005

He Can Do Anything But Fail

March is almost gone. What a month it has been...full of stress and excitement. joy and sorrow. laughter and tears. decisions and apprehensiveness. brief moments of hyperventilation. I have made some new friends, and deepened friendships with others. I didn't think I was going to make it to spring break, but here I am on a Sunday after midnight, putting my thoughts out in the blogging world...does anyone even read this anyway?

God is good. My sister had a baby, and what a beautiful little miracle he is.
God is good. He led me to discover that my strongest gifts aren't in teaching.
God is good. He was with me when I drove 37 hours by myself.
God is good. Betsy got married!
God is good. He brought new friendships into my life (adam, dave, lukas)
God is good. He made my path cross with Gerry and Sharie watch and learn.
God is good. He allowed me to see Eddie and Laurie, my St. Louis parents, almost everyday for three weeks.
God is good. He made a way for me to work with the InterVarsity Spring Break groups.
God is good. He reunited me with a friend (Mandy) from my early college days.
God is good. Though I have no idea what He has in store for me, I rest confidently in the fact that His plan is perfect. For me. For my family. For this new life. For my new friendships. For my old friendships. For the children in my class. His plan is perfect. Hallelujah.


Neil E. Das said...

Amanda, lists like these are helpful to put things in perspective. I don't do that nearly often enough and so sometimes pity myself when really God is really good to me. I hope you find direction soon in your exciting period of transition. Hey, I saw that there was another commenter other than yours truly.

Neil E. Das said...

p.s. Congrats on being an aunt. That is fun stuff, all the benefits of enjoying children, with not all the responsibility :)