Wednesday, March 02, 2005

So I've been really bad at blogging lately

Life has been a little crazy lately, but good crazy. It's been over a month since I've written anything on here. My kids have gotten a month older and are still funny. My grandparents came to visit and survived spending time with some of my friends. My friends have become more special than I ever thought that they would, AND I've added a Floridian dietician to the mix. Our Texas friend decided that we needed some "culture." We ended up at a Charlie Robeson (I think that is how you spell it) concert at a local casino. I must admit when he sang the song "She may not be the best, but she's the best that I can do, " I questioned just what kind of culture I was being exposed to and decided that Mr. Texas can no longer be the social chair. Okay, just kidding. Charlie really did sing that song, but I liked it :)

I don't really have a whole lot of stories from school to tell. Maybe it is because I'm becoming immune to the funniness. Or maybe my students aren't that funny anymore. Or maybe I just don't take the time to write what they say on here. Although one girl did call her taste buds "tasty bugs" the other day. Haha....

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