Tuesday, September 11, 2007

balancing three jobs at 11pm

the numbers blare on the screen
"at least we ended in the black"
the teacher planner stares at me from the floor
"what am I doing for tomorrow"
I switch over to read a blog
check my e-mail again
my eye catches the pictures on my bulletin board
chris, maven, grandparents, sterns, sisters
"what amazing people to have in my life"
the doorbell in the apartment below me rings
"no wonder mine doesn't work...their's is loud enough for both"
the facebook button suddenly jumps off the screen
"could I have a message?"
the upcoming party on evite
"I hope Raina is coming"
a small portion of my computer screen blinks blue
someone wants to chat with me
"who could it be"
my stomach growls
"it's time for ice cream"
dishes from the day begging to be washed
thoughts of baking, cleaning, family
"I just left someone hanging on IM"
the computer beckons me
"oh yeah, the numbers..."
"boss wants those in the morning"

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