Thursday, June 12, 2008

computers are dangerous. they promote procrastination in the most crucial of times. old journals can also be dangerous. refreshing in that they give you a glimpse at how you've grown; what you've made it through to get where you are now. but dangerous in procrastination and saunters down memory lane which we all know i'm getting quite good at. the good use of my time is fairly imperative at this moment, yet here i sit with a computer and several old journals. my attempts to build something worth sharing out of them --something that might be relevant to a bunch of college kids about to embark on 7 life changing weeks. i long for more than relevance. i want connection; understanding; challenge; encouragement. it's this longing that keeps me from putting words to paper; keeps me searching and connecting the pages of my journals. and every few minutes turning to my computer for a small distraction. procrastinate no more.

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