I had the privilege of serving with Andrew Stern this week. Andrew is the volunteer coordinator at our church by profession, but in reality he is a fighter of injustice. A Habbakuk, who sees injustice, sees the good, and seeks to make things right. He is a defender of the poor, the orphan, the widow, the immigrant and refugee - literally.
The opportunity to hang out with Andrew came two days before our youth group was going to move on site at our church and go through the week-long high school program....serving and working in the inner city. Andrew runs this summer program, which sees several church youth groups from all over the US throughout the summer. This particular week, Andrew was moving in with the youth from our church to serve as their leader (in addition to his usual role.) I moved in to be a leader on the women's side. (Side note: I know you are thinking "When did she start doing things with the youth group?" I didn't and haven't. They just really needed a female leader...Andrew asked me.)
Andrew spends time with all sorts of people. I use the phrase spends time with instead of works with because he has such great relationships with people. He doesn't go somewhere to fix someone or to fix a situation. He goes to meet the people...to know them...to find out their name, their story, their heart...and then to best help meet their needs. He spends much of his day building relationships, fixing houses, taking widows on errands, setting up volunteers. He is a huge tie between our church and the community. Anyone who knows him will tell you that he is a humble servant of His maker and of others. And at the end of a long day, where does he go? Home - to his wife and 5 young children. My response to that is simply an Andrewism "More mercy!"
I pray that the Lord would continue to open my eyes to the injustice that Andrew sees. I pray that he would mold my heart to be one of humility, bringing me before others to know them, not to judge...not to make a quick "fix." But to love.
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