Friday, July 22, 2005

One is Silver, the other is Gold

As any good American girl does (at least back in the day when I was young), I joined Girl Scouts. we would run around in our brown outfits (I was only a Brownie...why named after a food?) selling cookies, singing the Beach Boys "Kokomo" and doing crafts while trying to earn our badges. But the one thing that has stuck with me is a song that says "Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other's gold."

That is oh so true. This weekend, I went to Pella for a wedding. During my time there, I actually got to see several friends that I missed dearly. Like Justin. Justin is this really great little brother who I've had the privilege of watching grow and mature into a wonderful young man with passion for seeking the heart of the Lord. He continues to be one of the few people from college who call to check in on just share life with me. It was fun to actually spend time with him in person instead of on the phone. Justin is just one of a three musketeers type trio of guys. Ironically, the other two share the same name...Nick. But I call one Nico and the other Nick. I was blessed with the prescence of both of them this weekend as well.

I spent some time in laughter over a Jeopardy game with Joel and Pam, Sherami, and Anna "Queen Helga." (She would shoot me for using that name, but that wouldn't be the first time she has beaten me up. ....hehe)

Old friends really are like gold in that they are great treasures.....they are comfort...they are laughter....they are hugs (no one hugs here like they do at Central)....they are a stable force....they are a blessing!

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