Sunday, January 22, 2006

Emily's Adventure part 2

Have you ever seen one of those movies where afterwards you think, "Gee I really have no idea what just happened"? That would be pretty close to how my first week in Europe has been: a confusing collage of images and people talking that in the end just seems surreal.

My two days in London went by quickly. Vandon house is a short walk from Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, St. James Park, and the nightlife of Victoria street. I didn't realize where any of these things were. I just sort of ran into them on a walk. I tip my hat to anyone who stands in awe of these places, especially Buckingham Palace. Unfortunately I'm not one of them. Buckingham Palace = Big square building woohoo.
It would have been alright if I could have tried on one of the guard's hats maybe, but I didnt think I wanted to look down the barrel of the police officer's gun to ask. Fortunately, St. James Park was right next to the palace and I had a nice little stroll through there. The best parts of the city are definately the parts that aren't on the map. The traffic signs offer loads of entertainment when you're least expecting it. During my shuttle ride I noticed a large "Slow Down NOW" - large emphasis on the giant now - sign that was neither behind nor followed by an actual speed. What the heck does that mean? Fortunately, pedestrians have it much easier. Even I could follow the painted "Look Left"s and "Look Right"s. Much more practical than whatever genius decided to build an ash tray into the door of the airplane bathrooms right underneath the no smoking signs.

All the kids on my program arrived with no worries. When we finally got to the school, it looked - historic I suppose would be a polite term for it :) But the insides of the buildings are nice, especially our dorm. My room is probably the same size as the German House rooms with the added bonus of a little window room on the side. We've been so many places this week. We visited a two castles and different towns. Yesterday - I saw the ocean WOOOHOOOO. I walked out with no shoes, but I'm pretty sure it was a little cold to be doing that. A guy on the program and I went down on these rocks on the coast to try and get a good picture and a wave came in and hit us from behind. Luckily the sun was out, so when we arrived back at school 4 hours later I was only slightly damp instead of dripping wet. We spent one day trying to get to know the town - which is actually quite large and sort of confusing. Emily Pim and I have been lost 3 times trying to come back to town. That's probably because we have never been back without getting lost. But we are getting EXTREMELY good at getting lost. My mom always told me to do what I do best...

Love and Good Times to you all

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