I reazlied rather recently this summer, that I am always blogging inside of my head. When something funny happens or interesting words are spoken, I sort of "check out" of the situation and go into the blog world of my mind to begin fashioning the story as I would tell it to others. Sadly, many of my stories don't make it beyond my mind. Unless something triggers the memory later, I don't even retain it long enough to get it on my blog or in my journal. Ahh...the stories that have been lost.
I'm currently in the readjustment period after my stint at camp. I'm finding that my time alone is much harder than I was expecting. There is no one to laugh at all of my stupid mistakes...or give me hugs laced with pokes - thanks Nolan! Two days ago, I was walking down a sidewalk and out of nowhere found myself lying on the ground. Knees, hands, ankle stinging, I pulled myself up and looked around to see who had noticed. Luckily, there was no one in sight. I decided not to look at my knee for I was on my way to apply for a job and thought it would be better if I didn't actually know how much I had injured it. After I did the whole job thing, I made a beeline for my car where I checked out the damage....pretty big scrape along with a bruise that covers basically my entire knee. 5 cuts on my hand - must have been some rough concrete! As I was sitting in my car, laughing at what I dork I was, I was reminded of one of my camp friends who calls me "grace". Not because of the grace of God, but because of my tendency to get hurt...to fall in random places...even though it would have been embarrassing, I sort of wished he was there to laugh with me. I guess I just have to learn to laugh at myself all by myself.
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