Thursday, August 24, 2006


So about a month a go, I was tagged by Tanya to fill out this movie questionnaire.

1) What is a movie that changed the way you think and act? Or just got you thinking, if the first question is too intimidating.

Life As a House - While it can be a very graphic is a great reminder of the gospel and just how much one person can affect change on many. I recently saw V for Vendetta. It definitely makes you think about the fact that any time , choas could ensue in our big country. There were scenes in the movie where you would see newspaper articles or the news on tv talking about the war in the former USA or it would show americans fighting just to coupons to get water. Scary.

2) It's a late autumn evening and rainy and cold? What do you have for dinner/snack? What movie do you pop in the DVD player?

Snack- chips and salsa... Dinner- potato soup and cinnamon rolls
I would probably put in one of the many Lifetime movies that my awesome mom tapes for me:)

3) You are off to wee Himalayan hamlet(...even better gift idea) for a year, your laptop hard drive can hold one film. What will it be?

One film?!? I really don't know.

4) What movie made you laugh the hardest? What movie made you cry?

Laugh- National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation!
Cry- I cry at almost every movie for some reason or another. Most I've ever cried? The Passion. I started in the beginning and could not stop!!

5) Favorite actor (female, male)?

This is hard- I haven’t seen every movie everyone has done but the few people I have seen once or twice here I like:
Female: Julia Roberts,
Male: Harrison Ford, Denzel Washington. Tom Hanks , Matthew McConaughey (only because he's in almost every chick flick these days), Hugh Grant

6) What book or story would you like to see made into a film or what book do you love that could never be made into a film?

I am usually greatly disappointed by the films made after the books.

7) What is a movie that immediately after you watched it, you wish you hadn't?

CLICK! The main point of the movie is great, but the way they get to it is aweful! And it moves rather slow.

8) Do you read movie reviews? Before, after, never? Whose reviews do you find the best? Are you an analyzer?

No reviews...ever. I judge on my own.

9) What movie do you think is a must see, that you can only recommend with caveats? What movie do you really like, but can only recommend with caveats?

Crash and Life as a House.

10) What movie do you most wish to share with your friends?

Uh...the world of Lifetime!

I'm supposed to tag 5 people to do this on their blog, but I think Tanya already tagged most people that I know with a blog.

I'll tag Jonathan.

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