Friday, September 23, 2005

This is the squirrel that tormented me when I lived in my last apartment. He's eating this unidentified thing that grew on a tree outside of my back door. He paused to look at me so I could take a picture.
My sister, Nicole, the mother of my nephew. Her name is on the adoption chart at the zoo because our other sister adopted a monkey for her for Christmas.

This is my nephew, Maven, pulling his father's hair.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

It has been a few days since I've blogged, and boy do I have a lot to say today!

Shock of the week: My former boss and friend Adrian and his wife, Linda, were scheduled to have baby #2, a girl, this past Monday. I talked to Adrian today and asked how the new daughter was. His reply was, "He's fine." Yep, that's right, they ended up with a boy instead of the girl. Funny.

Cool God story of the week: I hesitate to tell this story because it is still in the making and could not have a fairy tale ending, but it is such great evidence of how much God cares about us and listens to us that I can't withhold the beginning of it. So here it goes: I'm still jobless. Tuesday night I could sleep due to worrying and talking to God about the whole thing. I'm really tired of the whole situation, the process, of not hearing from people who say they'll call, from trying to figure out just what I'm supposed to be doing. As I was laying there telling all of this to God, I remembered that I forgot to check three websites that I normally check on a daily basis. It seemed my mind wasn't going to calm down enough for sleep anyway, so I trudged my way out of bed to the computer. (I feel a need to keep some anonymity here) One particular place that I check (we'll call it X) I actually applied for a part time with about 2 weeks ago. However, on Tuesday night as I checked out the X website, I discovered a full time job that I appeared to be fairly qualified for. In addition, it is a type of position that I would love to do. The position is supervisory in nature and as I read that I began to doubt that X would hire someone so young or with little experience as myself for that role. As I put myself back to bed, I asked the Lord if he thought maybe I could e-mail the contact lady for X to see what she thought about my qualifications and such before I actually apply for it. The next morning I awoke much earlier than my body wanted me to, and went to one of my temp nanny jobs. After my nanny job, I found that I had a voicemail message - FROM THE LADY FROM X- the contact lady for the full time job that I DID NOT contact at ALL! Turns out the man I sent my resume to for the part time position thought I was a really good fit for this full time position and instead of just throwing my resume to the side like a lot of people would, he passed it on to this lady. She called to see if I would be interested in applying for the full time job instead of the part time position! So if that wasn't God, I don't know what is! I will be meeting with people at X next week sometime (I don't know when yet).

Job Advice from a 2nd grader: I was chatting with my friend Michelle on the phone when her 8 year old daughter asked to speak with me. Here is the conversation that followed:
Molly: "Miss Amanda, are you still a teacher?"
Me: Hoping not to disappoint her "No. Not anymore."
Molly: "What are you doing?"
Me: "Well, I don't have a job yet. Do you have any ideas?"
Molly: "You could work at Dairy Queen."

I fell off of my pilates ball again tonight as I talked with Ryan. This time it was backwards and I nailed my shoulder blade on the corner of the hallway entrance. It left a bruise about the size of an orange. I think I might have to give the ball away.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Ode to Dustin, my non-blond, wanna-be-surfer, Californian friend

It's 10:40 pm Sunday, September 18, 2005. Just minutes ago I was driving up 170 watching lightening dance in the sky. I have always loved rain and the thunderstorms that often accompany it. Growing up I used to sit in my gradma's old rocking chair (which had been conveniently relocated to my bedroom) and watch the rain pound the highway; overflowing the gutters and filling the big three way stop. I say big because it was the only one in my town. For this small Midwestern town girl, there is nothing like good Midwestern thunderstorm. There is a power within them that leaves me in awe of the God who created them. At the same time there is something in them that calms my soul.

It was in Chicago, while I was doing the Chicago Urban Project with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, that I shared these feelings about storms with a teammate, Dustin. It was hard for this LA born and raised boy to really understand. Unfortunately the summer lacked in good storms. I really longed for Dustin to experience one, and actually prayed about it. Then, late one night/early one morning, I awoke to very loud thunder and torrential rain. The inhabitants of the apartment were all sound asleep as I tip-toed out to the living room in order to get a better view of the storm - all but one that is. As I came around the corner to the living room, I was startled by a body with a face a pressed to the window. Yep, it was Dustin in complete awe of the storm! We sat in silence and watched the storm, for no words could describe what our souls were experiencing!

There is another thing that reminds of Dustin, well, there are a lot of things actually, but this is a funny one. Just before dusk one evening, Dustin and I were sitting outside of our apartment building, processing our day. As the evening glow set in, Dustin said in a very freaked out voice, "Do you see those things glowing in the empty lot over there?" It was as if he were seeing aliens! Guess what he was seeing? Lightening bugs. I guess I didn't realize those are on the west coast.

Lightening and lightening bugs keep the legacy of Dustin alive in my life. That and the fact that he goes to school with my best friend (well, they just graduated). That's them in the picture above.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


You have already had the great pleasure of reading some of my roommate's comments on this wonderful blog, but I thought I would share some pictures and some more of her words (because let's face it, sometimes she is so darn funny). So the other night, Tanya was typing an e-mail to our friend Neil Das (who faithfully reads my blog, I might add) while sitting on my bed. She was typing something about bikes (Neil is our resident expert-not in our residence however) and wanted to say something about how she would be Lance Armstrong in no time. However, she said Neil Armstrong, and sent the e-mail before she noticed! She asked me afterward if Neil Armstrong was the guy who wins Tour de France. of course, he's the guy who went to the moon! It's a different kind of flying.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Where's the laughter when you need it?

About a month ago, I purchased one of those yoga pilates balls thinking it was something that I could do at home since I don't really have the money to go to a gym. (And for those of you who don't remember, I HATE running!) I have done a lot of things on it, but mostly just sitting on it for fun or laying on it (warning: do not lay on it while talking on the phone as you may lose balance, roll onto your head, flip your body into a shelf which consequently will fall apart and scare your mom). I definitely had not really used it for its purpose until yesterday when I got the DVD out and tried to do all of the exercises that the stoic woman does. Today I decided that I was going to break free of the instructional DVD, put on some good music, and do the streches on my own. The good music I put in? Thenew NCF worship CD (songs that the worship team has to learn)...thought it would be a good timeto listen to it...that's actually how I learned my jazz pieces in college...while I worked out and when I drove my car. I was doing this movecalled the locust where you have to balance your body on your forarms basically and then you use the ball toput your legs up in the air...stretching your back...when "The Presence of the Lord" came on...I got so excited and tried to sing that I lost muscle control (not that I have much anyway) and totally fell on my was pretty humorous...

reminds me of the time that I tried to play raquetball with Tim Sluiter ( a college friend) and he really wished that it was being videotaped because of how clumsy I was....but that's another story for another time

Monday, September 05, 2005

"When I think of a blog, I think blogger. Then I think frogger, and it makes me miss my Atari." -Tanya

Aren't we cute?

I just wanted to share this picture with everyone
because I treasure it. of course, it's my dad and
myself way back in the day.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

I ruined THEIR dinner?!?!

So I have these friends (yes, I have friends). The particular ones that I am refering to are now seniors (well, most of them) at my alma mater. Earlier this evening, I decided to call my friend Justin. I happened to catch him while he was dining at a fine pizza establishment with several of our other friends. Because he was eating, I was going to let him go, but sensing the joyfulness in my voice (that has been absent for a while), he began questioning me. While doing so, I had another call from a number I didn't recognize so I asked him to wait while I checked it (I check all the unrecognizable numbers in case it's a job waiting for me). It was Jake, another of our friends, who also happened to be eating pizza with Justin. He just wanted to steal me away from Justin...who in turn got "frustrated" and hung up. Jake and I chatted for a few minutes and then I called Justin back. During this second conversation yet another phone call came. I asked Justin if another of his dinner companions was calling me; he replied with a no. We ended our convo, promising to talk on Tuesday (to make plans for the wedding). I decided to call the mysterious second number back since Justin said it wasn't one of them. However, it was another of them, Big Mike as he is called. Oh goodness, so I hear everyone at the table saying, "Is that Amanda?!" "Yes!" he exclaimed. (Pastor) PJ, well I envision it as grabbing the phone from Big Mike, yells into the phone, "You are ruining our dinner!" All I really wanted to do was talk to Justin, and I was in the process of letting him go when all of his RUDE dinner guests started phoning me! Goodness!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Three dollars

Gas prices went up to $2.99, and the roach guy came this morning. I just wanted to record this day in history.

Random thoughts at 1am

The clock has just ticked late enough that the day has turned to the first of September. Neither my roommate nor I can sleep for some reason. (She probably drank too much coffee late in the day.) I don't know what my problem is. We still have roaches, but they are leaving tomorrow morning!

I had an interview last week that I should be hearing about Thursday or Friday (I mean, as long as they call when they said they would.) The place will remain annonymous for now, but the job would be going into schools and teaching about anything and everything from drug abuse to stranger awareness for 4-18 year olds.

In the meantime, I have just started as a temp nanny through a local agency. Basically, I get calls to go to different places to fill in for full time nannies who are sick or maybe for a family that just needs a nanny for one day. It's both fun and nerve wracking, but so far, so good.

Our apartment is fun (minus the roaches) - we are getting more and more settled every day.

Oh yes! I forgot that I wanted to share a lovely website and I expect everyone to check it out! It belongs to my new friend, Kent Needler, who really isn't my NEW friend at all. Unfortunatly our circles only cross when a game of Cranium happens at the seminary. So that has limited our friendship. Anyway, he has an amazing graphic design gift! Check it out!

Okay, I think I'm going to try to sleep. Over and out.

P.S. My roommate (Tanya, not the roaches) just came in and sat on my unmade bed (I washed the seats today) and said, "Is this your bed? Do you want help making it?" I said, "No, that's your bed, but sure you can help make it." Maybe we are more tired than we thought?

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