Saturday, April 16, 2005

I've been bad!?

Sponge Bob, Snake kid strikes again! Earlier this week, I had my hair all pulled back. Torey said to me, "Ms. Salmond, you know I like it when you wear your hair down." Three days later, I did wear my hair down. This time Torey said, "Ms. Salmond, I told you that I like it when you wear your hair down." :) haha

Apparently, I threaten to call parents too often. During rest time one afternoon, I used my cell phone to call and make arrangements for a field trip. I accidently left my cell phone on the table where little hands could reach it...soon into play time, I look over and see Marie with the phone to her ear, saying, "Hello? Ms. Salmond's mom? I need you to come get her. She's being very bad." She giggled as she handed the phone back to me :) When I relayed that message to my mom, she thought it was very funny, and wanted to know what I was doing to the children...

T minus five days my best friend from California will be here. We haven't seen each other since last March (2004) when I flew out there....I can't wait!!!

I bought a geranium today...I'm actually going to try not to kill it....I'm not good at plants, but I want to be....doesn't wanting count for something??

For you praying folk, please pray for all the uncertainities that exist in my life right now....I actually am very peaceful about where I'm at, but prayer is also an added bonus!

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